Municipal Odour and Septicity Control – Overview

The Chemifloc Group specialises in providing chemical solutions for municipal odour and septicity control in wastewater treatment systems. Municipal effluent, comprising wastewater from households, businesses, and industries, often contains organic compounds that contribute to unpleasant odours.

These odours not only pose a public nuisance but can also lead to the rapid deterioration of sewage network pipework. To address these challenges, Chemifloc offers a range of effective chemical products. Below are some key areas where Chemifloc’s solutions excel:

  1. Sludge Odour Control: Sludge is the solid material generated during wastewater treatment processes. If not properly managed, it can emit strong odours. To control sludge odours, Chemifloc has developed a bespoke range of products that effectively neutralise the problem before it materialises.
  2. Hydrogen Sulfide Control: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a common compound responsible for the characteristic “rotten egg” odour in wastewater. Chemical oxidation with specialised iron salts, such as ferric chloride or ferrous sulfate, is a proven solution to control hydrogen sulfide odours. These chemicals react with sulfides and other odour-causing compounds as they are generated, forming insoluble precipitates that reduce odorous emissions.
  3. Nocardia is a type of bacteria commonly found in wastewater treatment systems. It can contribute to odorous conditions, including the production of compounds like geosmin, which imparts an earthy or musty odour. Effective control of Nocardia involves maintaining optimal operating conditions and balanced chemistry.
  4. Sludge Foaming: Sludge foaming refers to the formation of excessive foam during the wastewater treatment process, which can release odours. Foaming can occur due to various factors, including the presence of excessive filamentous bacteria or surfactants in the wastewater. Controlling sludge foaming involves addressing the underlying causes, such as optimising process conditions, adjusting aeration rates, and using antifoam agents such as Flofoam S15.
  5. Membrane Cleaning: Membrane filtration processes, such as reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration, are often used in advanced wastewater treatment. Over time, membranes can accumulate foulants, leading to reduced efficiency and potential odour issues. Regular membrane cleaning protocols, including backwashing, chemical cleaning, or membrane integrity testing, are essential to maintain optimal performance and prevent odours.

By leveraging its chemical expertise and innovative product range, the Chemifloc Group can provide effective solutions for municipal odour and septicity control, ensuring efficient and sustainable wastewater treatment processes.

Our Products

Chemifloc offers an extensive range of chemical products in the following categories:


Our chemicals are added to water to form aluminium or iron precipitates. These absorb impurities in the water as they form, functioning to clean the water supply of contaminants.

Potable (Drinking)
Water Polyelectrolytes

Potable polyelectrolytes are chemical flocculants used in the conditioning/ thickening of the sludge line in potable drinking water treatment. They help floc formation and removal.


Polyelectrolytes are chemical flocculants used in the conditioning/ thickening of the sludge line in wastewater treatment.


Chemifloc provide a wide range of general chemical products, including aluminium sulphate, ferric sulphate, sodium hypochlorite and fluoride.

How can we help?

If you are interested in knowing more about ourproducts and services, please contact us.